Now, I will expalin how I stumbled upon this conundrom on the Internet. I was wanting clarification on what the Villain explained his motive was. I didn't quite understand everythind stated so I looked it up to see what he said exactly so I could further make sense of it to find the loathing of the chapter.
So I decided I wanted to start making a weekly post here on LJ. Just to go through what I've done this week and what I'm trying for at them moment
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Well, to be honest, I can perfectly say that I haven't done much the past couple of months. I've played a few games and watched a load of videos. Pretty much though, seems that work and having been sick for a while sucked the life out of me
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Once upon a time (in the 90's) I would never have thought about just downloading a game to try it out because I'm not sure if I want to buy it or not. Reviews are all good and all but that isn't, you know...actually trying the game. I've read reviews and it made the game look awesome but played it and it sucked. Like one of those over hyped
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Welp, remember when I mentioned I wanted to do Celestia from DanganRonpa. Well, I started working on it yesterday. :) And I finished 1 piece of it. So happeh with the results.
If you don't know who the character is; here are a few references:
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Ya know, I got to thinking. If there is ever one series of games that I will forever love, it will indeed be the Tales series. I don't think there really is a game in its series that I do not like; and I've played all of them asides from Xillia and Xillia2. ToX will be here on Tuesday, btw
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Well, apparently, I've gotten this great idea to sculpt mini-figure of characters I may just happen to like of some of the stuff I watch and play
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Okay, okay, yeah, I haven't really mentioned any cosplay aspirations this year, but its not like I've forgotten all about it. I've just been busy with work, and when I"m at home I get distracted by random video games
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Ya know wut...? I'm having withdrawal from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". I think it's 'cause Season 3 has been so RANDOM in its plots. Don't get me wrong, there re things that I've LOVED about this season, but still...meh
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